Being a homeowner is not for everybody; new homeowners are often overwhelmed with the incalculable amount of responsibility they accept. Sure, you get some freedoms and protections surrounding your property. But, the rules don't apply to animals!
One of the most unexpected problems a new homeowner can run into is finding themselves face to face with a wild animal who is already accustomed to the property. It's hard enough being a homeowner, so make sure you are prepared for anything.
Wild animals are not only a threat to your property, but they can also pose a serious threat to your health and the health of your family. This does not mean they are bad, just that they don't belong on your property! You should never, ever react to a wild animal problem in an aggressive or destructive manner. Animals will be animals; but people are problem-solvers.
So don't be discouraged if you are finding damage being done to your property. You may not be sure which animal is the culprit, but you can utilize tools such as live animal cage traps to capture and relocate the animal in a safe and humane way.
Live animal cage traps are the best option for removing a wild animal without breaking the bank with a pest control service. It's so easy and anybody is capable of it! Using this type of trap is simple and effortless.
Wild Animals That Destroy Property

When it comes to wild animals, there are a few that stand out as being particularly destructive. Raccoons, opossums, and skunks can do a lot of damage in a short amount of time, and they can be difficult to get rid of.
Raccoons are one of the most commonly destructive animals to a homeowner's property. You might be facing a raccoon problem if you are finding the following signs on your property:
- Garbage cans that have been tipped over: Raccoons are known for their scavenging habits, and they will often tip over garbage cans in search of food.
- Damage to your garden: Raccoons are also known for raiding gardens. They will dig up plants and vegetables in search of food.
- Damaged roofing: Raccoons are very strong animals and people tend to underestimate this. Their claws can do a lot of damage to your roof if they get access to it.
- Droppings: Raccoons will often leave droppings behind, which can be dangerous to humans. They contain a lot of bacteria that can make you sick fast.
Live Animal Traps for Raccoons
If you are finding any of these signs on your property, it is important to take action immediately. Raccoons can be very destructive and difficult to get rid of once they have made themselves comfortable on your property. Not only that, but they carry rabies, which is dangerous for both humans and their animal companions. The best way to remove a raccoon is with a live animal cage trap.
You can find one here that will fit perfectly for trapping and relocating a raccoon.

Opossums are an animal that are very helpful to humans! They feast on ticks, including those that carry Lymes disease; every year, they help us take out a large portion of the tick population that harm people. Their bodies can safely consume the Lymes disease and they cannot transfer it to people. (Due to their low body temperature, the rabies disease cannot survive.) So, they're not at all bad animals, but they can still be destructive to a homeowner's property.
If you see any of the following damages done to your property, it might be a result of an opossum:
- Holes in your yard: Opossums will often dig holes in search of food. It's not great to have a lot of uneven terrain; anyone can easily trip over a hole and break a leg, especially children who play outside a lot.
- Damaged plants: Opossums will also eat plants, including fruits and vegetables.
- Garbage cans tipped over: Like raccoons, opossums are known for their scavenging habits. They will often tip over garbage cans in search of food.
- Damage to attics: Opossums will often make their way into attics in search of a place to nest. Once they're inside, they can do a lot of damage to insulation and other materials.
Live Animal Traps for Opossums
Opossums should be handled with care and respect. They are very helpful to humans and we rely on them to fight disease. However, you'll want to remove an opossum humanely as soon as you find it on your property. They are very much like raccoons, but they are far more willing to break into the property for shelter. Don't give them the opportunity to do this!
You can find a proper live animal cage trap for an opossum here.

Skunks are the third most destructive animal to a homeowner's property. Not only that, but they have the added grievance of being able to spray people with their secret weapon. Dogs are most likely to disturb a skunk and cause it to release the foul odor that is very difficult to wash out.
This makes them very unpopular animals with people! If you find any of the following damages on your property, it might be a result of a skunk:
- Holes in the ground that are two to four inches wide: Skunks will often dig holes in search of food.
- Damaged plants: Skunks will also eat plants, including fruits and vegetables.
- Garbage cans tipped over: Just like raccoons and opossums, skunks are known for their scavenging habits. They will often tip over garbage cans in search of food.
- Burrows under decks, porches, sheds, or steps: Skunks will often make their way into these areas in search of a place to nest. When they settle close to the foundation of your home, they can continue to dig and have been known to cause damage to the structure.
Live Animal Traps for Skunks

You can find a live animal cage trap here that will fit perfectly for trapping and relocating a skunk. Skunks like to settle where there is a food source, so make sure to take care of any garbage that might be attracting them.
Remove & Relocate Wild Animals Effortlessly
Live animal cage traps are the best option to handle a wild animal on your property. Not only are they the most humane option, but they are safe and simple to use. Be sure to research what kind of trap is best for the animal you're trying to remove, as there are different types of live animal cage traps available.
In conclusion, these are the three most destructive wild animals to a homeowner's property: Raccoons, opossums, and skunks. They can all cause a lot of damage if they are not removed from the premises immediately. Be sure to take action as soon as you see any signs of these animals on your property!