So, you just purchased an air purifier for your home! You may have done so for any number of reasons; perhaps you just moved to a polluted area, or you want to find a way to reduce allergy symptoms in your home. You're excited to get started, but you'll need some help with how to properly maintain your machine.
If you've never owned an air purifier before, it is important to know the role and significance of each component, and how one affects the other. There are only three components to keep in mind:
1. The air purifier unit: Stimulates the airflow that attracts airborne particles to the filters
2. The HEPA filter: Removes fine particles and protects the air purifier unit
3. The carbon filter: Removes large particles, odors, and protects the HEPA filter
Air filters play an important role in keeping your home's air clean and healthy. They help to remove dust, pollen, and other allergens from the air. It's important to change your air filters on a regular basis (usually every 3-6 months) for optimal performance.
Top Three Reasons to Replace Air Filters On Time:
In terms of maintenance, changing the air filters is the most important thing you can do to maintain your air purifier. Not only does it keep your machine running smoothly, but changing the filter also helps improve the air quality in your home.
A dirty or clogged filter will reduce an air purifier's ability to clean air, so it's important to change them out regularly. If you don't, your air purifier will not be able to function at its best and could even end up costing you more in the long run.
In this article, we will discuss the importance of changing your air purifier filter and provide some tips on how to do it effectively.
1. The Air Purifier Does Nothing Without the Air Filter

The air purifier unit is the most costly part of this filtration system. You only purchase this one time, and afterward, all you need is the inexpensive filters.
Do not try to run an air purifier without a filter, as this will damage the unit. Once damaged, the unit will not be able to control airflow as it was manufactured to. This results in airborne particles not sticking to the filter, flying around freely within the unit, and causing further damage. Essentially, the filters would be useless.
Your Health Needs Your Air Filter to Function
Remember that air purifiers are nothing without filters, and filters are nothing without the air purifier. If your purpose for having an air purifier is for reasons that regard preventative health or respiratory illness, you must replace the filters on time.
Without a filter, the air purifier will have nowhere to collect and store the airborne irritants that aggravate symptoms. In addition to damaging the air purifier, it won't be doing any favors for your health.
The use of a dirty or overused air filter will clog and slow the system down at best. The longer you use that expired filter, the more you risk damaging the unit, and the less effective it will be for your health. You would also start to see allergy and asthma symptoms returning, such as coughing and sneezing. A dirty air filter cannot keep up with its normal rate of particle arrest and will eventually run out of room to store them.
2. Ironically, It Costs More Money Not to Change the Filter
A dirty air filter can cause your air filtration system to work harder than necessary. This costs more money in the long run, in the following ways:
- Higher energy bill, as the unit is required to work harder and consume more energy.
- Need to purchase or repair air purifiers more frequently, as damage is done and its lifespan decreases.
Let's do the math...
On average, the cost of an air purifier is about $200, which is a one-time purchase. If you are diligent about changing your filters every three to six months, that comes out to be an annual filter cost of around $50. However, if you do not change your filters as often, the average lifespan of the air purifier is decreased by 50%. This would bring the annual filter cost up to $100. So, it is more cost-effective to purchase new filters and maintain your air purifier properly.
As we've mentioned, let's take into account the cost of filters for one year, which is $50. But if you're only changing the filters about half the time as directed, you're probably spending around $25 per year on filters, at the expense of your air purifier's lifespan. So, who is going to spend more money after five years?
Changing filters as directed? | Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | |
YES - I switch them on time every time | $250 ($200 air purifier + $50 yearly filters) | $300 ($50 yearly filters) | $350 ($50 yearly filters) | $400 ($50 yearly filters) | $450 ($50 yearly filters) | |
NO - I don't think it's necessary & I save money | $225 ($200 air purifier + $25 yearly filters) | $250 ($25 yearly filters) | $275 ($25 yearly filters) | $500 ($200 new air purifier + $25 yearly filters) | $525 ($25 yearly filters) | |
* Both participants start out with similar costs. | * The person who does not replace filters frequently will be saving more money in the short term. | * At this time, the person "saving money" on filters still has some leverage. But not for long... | * After years of improper air filter replacement, the air purifier inevitably breaks. That's a hefty cost the other person won't need to pay! | * Back to square one! At the end of 5 years, you've saved more money by replacing filters regularly. |
* After the fifth year (cost approximation), changing filters properly vs. not changing them.
In the end, the total costs by year five are $450 versus $525. Even though you are spending less money on filters! You still save more money in the long run by replacing them regularly. If you think you are saving money by using a filter past expiration, it's not true! On average, you are consistently about $75~100 behind someone who changes their filters regularly.
3. Changing Air Filters Protects the Air Purifier Unit

If your air purifier breaks because it is being overworked, then you'll really wish you paid for the cheap filters instead! Changing your filters protects the longevity of your air purifier and keeps it running smoothly. If you don't, your machine will not be able to function at its best. Not only will you see a decrease in air quality, but you may also end up paying more in the long run.
Every Component Works in Harmony
Each filtration component works together systematically and is affected by the other. For instance, the carbon filter protects particles that are too large from reaching the HEPA filter, so that it can do its job filtering smaller particles. If the carbon filter is too clogged, the HEPA won't filter small particles as easily. If the HEPA filter is too clogged, then the whole unit has to work harder, effectively weakening its longevity.
Every 3-6 Months...
Changing your air purifier filters is an important part of machine maintenance. Not only does it keep the unit running smoothly, but it also helps improve the air quality in your home. Filters should be changed every three to six months for best results. Remember to buy replacement filters before you need them so you're not left without them!