

LifeSupplyUSA Replacement AC4800 Air Filters Work Wonders for Allergy Sufferers

LifeSupplyUSA Replacement AC4800 Air Filters Work Wonders for Allergy Sufferers

air purifier
If you're one of the millions of Americans who suffer fr...
How Is A Carbon Filter Activated and Can It Be Reused?

How Is A Carbon Filter Activated and Can It Be Reused?

air purifier
Carbon filtration is applied to air purifiers, gas masks...
What Is A Carbon Air Filter Capable of Capturing?

What Is A Carbon Air Filter Capable of Capturing?

air purifier
A carbon air purifier filter is a type of air filter that...
Proper Disposal: Are You Supposed to Recycle an Air Filter?

Proper Disposal: Are You Supposed to Recycle an Air Filter?

It's no secret that air filters must be replaced regular...
When Does an Air Filter Expire?

When Does an Air Filter Expire?

Most people know that air filters need to be replaced on...
Air Purifier Vs. Ionizer Comparisons: Which One Should You Get?

Air Purifier Vs. Ionizer Comparisons: Which One Should You Get?

air purifier
When it comes to air purifiers, there are two main types...